How to travel from Tokyo to Osaka with Shinkansen (Bullet trains)?

How to travel from Tokyo to Osaka with Shinkansen (Bullet trains)?

Reasons for choosing Shinkansen

2.5 hours to Osaka, it’s faster and more convenient than others.

Where to take the Shinkansen from Tokyo to Osaka

Tokyo Station or Shinagawa Station. We took it from Tokyo Station.

How to find the Shinkansen ticket counter after arriving at Tokyo Station

When you enter Tokyo Station, look up and follow the sign [Shinkansen.JR]. Look up and it will say [Tokaido - Sanyo Shinkansen (Nagoya - Kyoto - Shin-Osaka side)]. If you really can’t find it, just ask the station workers or pedestrians, most Japanese people are quite nice, most of them can speak a little English, whose understanding ability is also strong. follow the sign

How to buy tickets

We bought our tickets at the ticket counter and said we were going to Osaka. (If you don’t understand, just show them a screenshot of the name of the place on your cell phone.) Then the staff will show you the schedule, and you choose the time you want to leave, it’s simple and straightforward! ticket counter

About the tips of buying tickets

  1. It’s actually easier and more direct to buy from a ticket counter than online or from a vending machine.

  2. Shinkansen trains between Tokyo and Osaka all start at 6:00 am and the last train leaves at around 9:20 pm. The frequency is relatively dense, so it’s a good time for free travelers and there’s no need to rush (see the time-table). time table

  3. Fare: 8910+5610 yen (about 100 euro) per person/adult

  4. It is two tickets per person (ticket + emergency ticket), which is a Shinkansen special ticket stacked on top of the qualification for the train.

  5. Tickets are divided into designated seats and free seats, we bought designated seats with children, so that the three of us can sit together (designated seats are about 580 yen more expensive per person).

  6. The free seat ticket can only sit in a few compartments of the free seat, there are empty seats can sit, the seat first-come-first-served, peak family is not guaranteed to be able to sit together.

  7. If you want to see Mt. Fuji, just talk to the ticket agent and ask him to arrange suitable seats for you.

  8. A few minutes before the arrival of the train, the name of the arrival station is already displayed on the screen, and an announcement is also made.

Written By

Zac Norris